The FartVac Suck-Up Smelly Farts 

The FartVac Suck-Up Smelly Farts 

The Fartvac suck-up smelly farts is a rubber tube that connects to a slider zip plastic bag on one side and a blood pressure cuff-style bulb pumper on the other side will help solve your Embarrassment.  

Fartvac suck-up smelly

The FartVac suck up smelly farts process

The process of the FartVac is very easy. With the FartVac a manual vacuum is created right after your sound erupts. These pumps of the bulb post-anal exhalation and draws in any fetid smell emitted into the air via the activated carbon filter and transfer it into the FartVac holding sling bag. 

FartVac suck

Though it looks like a gag, it works wonders 

At first look, you might say it’s gay and would make a perfect gag gift. But this is not actually a gay gift, but a legit proprietary fart vacuum that comes with an activated carbon fart filtering technology to receive you from the smelly embarrassment.  

Smelly Farts

The intention behind the creation is to develop a legit solution to the noxious farts smells embarrassment


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