How I Saved The World By Jesse Watters
Jesse Watters is the author of How I Saved The World which is #1 on the New York Times bestselling list.
How can a TV host hold the key to the future
Considered as one of the most chaotic periods in the history of America, at a time of distrust and despair, one tanned TV host has the key to the future.
What’s in the book?
Obviously everyone wants to know why this book is #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Well, the book titled ‘How I Saved The World’ is a tour of Jesse Watters life. The book takes the readers on a tour of Jesse’s life right from the basement dwelling Fox minion to the pampered right-thinking champion of Americans.
He has elaborated the great truths involving the nature of the country and along the way stumbles across beaches asking oblivious college students some basic political questions and also is seen stumbling out of Air Force One along with the President.
A deep view of the authors life
His thoughtful suggestions are interspersed with overcoming left-wing radicalism and in maintaining America’s democracy. It’s his point of view on how to maintain beyond aging hippies, like his long-suffering and loving parents.
It tells on how the world got saved from social justice warriors and the state
saving the world from social justice — along the way smirking through life in the nicest way he knew.
Jesse outlines the stark choice ahead between the all-American hamburgers and the leftist Green New Deal breadlines, showing the way for order and fairness to be restored.
Overall, How I Saved the World is a book that enlightens you in a hilarious yet entertaining manner with fair possibilities of winning the Nobel Prize in each category, chemistry included.
Some of the reviews
Jesse’s mom is asking where Dana Perino is in a time when she is desperately needed.
The Washington Post says Watters is officially out of control while, The Daily Beast asks whether Watters has the most punchable face in America and the answer is yes.